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Posted on October 25th, 2018 in Addiction, Articles, Betrayal Trauma

Betrayal Trauma

…is the kind of trauma in which a person feels betrayed by the very person (or people) he or she trusts and depends on.  As a result of this type of betrayal, some tell tale signs will appear.

More specifically, discovery of a partner’s sex addiction and the deceitful actions that accompany addiction are discovered, some people may experience this as traumatic.  

The list below?? includes possible signs & symptoms of betrayal trauma:

⚠️   Physical changes ie: headaches, uncontrollable shaking

⚠️   Ruminating or stuck on negative, painful thoughts

⚠️   Flashbacks of event or events

⚠️   Avoidance of regular activities or dealing with issues at hand

⚠️   Isolating & withdrawing from friends and family

⚠️   Increased anxiety and/or panic

⚠️   Sleep disturbances ie: trouble falling or staying asleep

⚠️   Hypervigilance ie: on the constant look out for triggers, for deception, for pain

⚠️   Feeling overwhelmed 

⚠️   Difficulty concentrating or focusing

⚠️   Feeling intense emotions without the ability to regulate them ie: feeling out of control,           feeling wild with emotion

⚠️   Numbness & detachment 

⚠️   Changes with appetite ie: loss of appetite or increased appetite

If you are experiencing some or all of the above listed symptoms, you are not alone!  

Please reach out for help.  

Make an appointment with your family doctor to discuss options and utilize the Love, Betrayal, & Beyond guide!  

Therefore, utilize the LBB guide! The Love, Betrayal & Beyond guide addresses all the above mentioned symptoms from the safety and comfort of home and for a price that won’t break the bank.  

Healing is possible.  It doesn’t have to stay this hard. 

Take care of you, you deserve it!

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