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  • failure, anxiety, healing


    This fear, this anxiety, kept me in opposition of who I really wanted to be. It kept me small, it kept me fearful. ...

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  • betrayal discovery, sex addiction, betrayal to-do list

    Discovery To-Do List

    Once you have discovered your partner's betrayal, you may feel stuck, frozen, overwhelmed, chaotic.  This discovery to-do list was created to help guide you through the initial shell shock & devastation. It's a clear & concise step by step ...

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  • overwhelm, holiday season


    We live in a society where being in overwhelm is considered the norm.  We over schedule & over achieve while trying to be everything to everyone.  It. Is. Exhausting. Especially this time of year & more so if you're in a relationshi ...

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  • Female Sex Addicts

    It’s not just men who struggle with sex addiction.  Women may use sex to cope with pain & limiting core beliefs too.  There are many myths and untruths surrounding women & sex addiction.   However, it’s difficult to dete ...

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  • Thriving Through the Holidays ☃️??

    Here are some tips & tricks to manage the holidays on your terms.  Take some of that power back and power through with self love and compassion.  ...

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  • Unbecoming

    “Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming anything. Maybe it’s about unbecoming everything that isn’t really you, so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.” ― Paul Coelho Whenever we experience something ...

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